Aerial photos and satellite images are essential for studying details of the landscape.
Use aerial imagery to:
Get a true picture of what is on the ground from above at a specific point in time.
Identify unique features not shown on maps.
Compare two dates of imagery to see changes over time.
Explore and present issues related to Real Estate, engineering, legal, insurance, agriculture, recreation, and more.
Aerials High-Resolution 2021-2024 True Color
Very high resolution and high-quality aerial photography.
Generally the best available imagery on a county-wide basis.
Please refer to the Aerial Photos Latest Metadata for image dates by county and more.
High resolution and high-quality aerial photography. Color infrared provides insight into wetlands and vegetation. The infrared band is absorbed by water and therefore water appears black. Wetlands generally appear darker than other vegetation. Wet soil appears darker than surrounding dry soil.
High resolution aerial photography. Color infrared photos show variations in vegetation and wet areas
much better than black and white or true color aerials.
Wetlands identification is much easier with color infrared aerials.
Medium resolution satellite imagery. This imagery is currently not a map layer on its own, rather it is displayed when various aerial layers are zoomed out beyond a useful map scale.
Usable Map Scale Range
1:50,000 to 1:3,000,000
Data Source
Landsat 2004 Statewide False Color Mosaic from SFWMD